Another One Night Stand

This episode includes:

The Pick Up Artist by Steffen Weinert
Saturday Girls by Emilie Cherpitel

The Pick Up Artist
Olli is a playboy. He finds himself just as he did the morning before — in another strange woman’s bed. As he plans to make his escape after another conquest, he comes face to face with his worst nightmare — the woman’s 6 year old daughter. Little Yvonne is not happy with the unlucky love life of her mother and decides to take matters into her own hands. Produced and directed by Steffen Weinert. Principal cast: Steffen Groth, Chantal Hourticolon and Nina Weniger.
– Watch the film again, below.
– See the film’s IMDb entry at

Saturday Girls
Waking up alone the morning after a one-night stand is bad enough. Finding yourself alone with your one-night-stand’s little brother is worse. Little Leon explains rather matter-of-fact, she’s expected to be his babysitter for the day. Written and directed by Emilie Cherpitel. Principal cast: Cecile Cassel, Antoine Rodet and Vincent Marie.
– See the film’s IMDb entry at

Watch the trailer for Saturday Girls:

Watch The Pick Up Artist again:

Another One Night Stand 20 August,2015ImageMakers

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