Aliens Among Us

The Dreamer
In a dark vision of the future where human clones are manufactured and discarded for the latest model, a male and female clone nervously await their fate in a grim termination room. The male clone decides to take matters into his own hands and experiences the full gamut of human emotions, while being hunted down by his human creators. An evocative, provocative and hauntingly beautiful drama produced by Ivor Powell and directed by Miguel Sapochnik. Principal cast: Joerg Stadler and Indra Ove.
– Watch the film again, below.

Alive In Joburg
South Africa/ Canada
Edited in a documentary style, this highly original sci-fi drama takes on discrimination (with a twist). Persecuted extraterrestrials have left their planet only to find themselves in 1990 South Africa during apartheid. Their large space ships can be seen hovering above Johannesburg and sucking power from the nuclear power plants. At first, the aliens are welcomed, but are forced to live amongst the already-oppressed black population. The growing tensions between the blacks, the white Afrikaners and the aliens escalate… Written and directed by Neill Blomkamp. He has been selected to direct the upcoming Halo film (based on the popular game).
– Watch the film again, below.
– To learn more about this film, go to

Watch The Dreamer again:

Watch Alive In Joburg again:

Aliens Among Us 5 August,2015ImageMakers

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