Jeepers Creepers

Ten Steps
All the ingredients of a standard horror yarn are here; a dark and creaky house with a serious draft problem and a babysitter who should know better than to go into the cellar during a blackout. There are exactly ten steps down into the cellar where the fuse has blown. But something is not quite right on this stormy evening when a brother and sister are left home alone. Writer/director Brendan Muldowney transcends this familiar material delivering, without blood or guts, the ten creepiest minutes you’ll spend watching television this year. Cast: Jill Harding, Paula Lee and Gerard Lee.
– Watch the film again, below.

The Cat with Hands
Last night as I slumbered, I had a strange dream – you know this is the place where it happened – a little boy came face to face with the cat with two hands. This very creepy and surreal live action/animation about a cat who wants to be a person is written and directed by Robert Morgan. Be forewarned. Do not watch this with a cat in the room. What’s the matter — cat got your tongue? Principle cast: Livy Armstrong and Daniel Hogwood-Kane.
– Watch the film again, below.

It’s high noon on the playing field. A tense showdown develops between a young girl and crow. Neither is willing to give an inch. Who will win this battle of wills? And what will be the victor’s spoils? Just as in Hitchcock’s The Birds, your view of our feathered friends will be forever changed. Edited and directed by Alexander Meier. Cast: Deleila Piasko and Henry (the crow).

Brian is on top of the world. He is a successful advertising executive in San Francisco, lives in an amazing penthouse, and dates a beautiful model. Everything’s perfect, right? Not so fast. His dreams are beginning to get pretty weird. When he wakes up, he always finds himself in a strange bed somewhere far away. Paranoia starts to set in. What is real and what is the dream? The film was shot entirely on a virtual set using CGI and blue screen. Written and directed by Michael Horowitz and Gareth Smith, the makers of another popular ImageMakers film, This Guy is Falling. Cast: Rebecca Gayheart and Timothy Olyphant.

Watch Ten Steps again:

Watch The Cat with Hands again:

Jeepers Creepers 5 August,2015ImageMakers

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