Boys and Their Pets

This episode includes:

Chicken Heads by Bassam Ali Jarbawi
Bunny by Robert Snow

Chicken Heads
A prized sheep goes missing from a poor farmer’s land. His 11 year old son is the only one who knows what happened. Young Yousef learns a harsh lesson when he tries to cover up the truth. Written and directed by Bassam Ali Jarbawi. Principal cast: Qusai Abu-Eid, Mohammad Abu-Eid, Atef Al-Akhras and Hussein Nakhleh.
– To learn more about the filmmaker, go to

A naïve young boy ventures into a rough part of town to retrieve his stolen pet bunny. Understanding and forgiveness are big words when you’re a little child. Writer/director Robert Snow offers a gritty, touching and uncompromising look at class differences in a tough Philadelphia suburb. Based on a true story. When the filmmaker was 8-years old, someone stole his rabbit. Principal cast: John Barbieri, Scott Clark, Griffin Hyde, Brooke Hoover and Natalie Toth.
– Watch an interview with the filmmaker, below.

Watch an interview with the filmmaker of Bunny:

Boys and Their Pets 5 August,2015ImageMakers

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