Take a Chance On Love

Wentworth is a neurotic misfit who lives with a woman that he has made up entirely in his mind. She is perfection. What happens when her less than perfect, real life counterpart enters the picture and threaten to disrupt his imaginary world? Will he continue to live inside the relative bliss of his own delusions, or will he take a chance on finding real love? Written and directed by R. Stephen Suettinger, a former music and molecular biology major who attended film school at USC. Principal cast: Robert Peters and Sharon Case (The Young and the Restless).

Full Circle
Shy Phillipa works in Marco’s Fish and Chip Shop. Everyday, it’s the same routine. She spends most of her day fantasizing about Paul, the cute bank security guard across the street. Although he is oblivious to her, she hopes her dreams will come true. A delightful, romantic comedy by writer/director Simon Fitzmaurice. Simon is also a published poet and short story writer. This is his first film. Principal cast: Tara Lynne O-Neill and Noel Sheehan.
– Watch the film, below.

Watch Full Circle:


Take a Chance On Love 18 August,2015ImageMakers

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