You Can’t Be Too Strong

Life is much different than it is in your dreams. The union with another human being can be a source of great comfort but at times can also cause deep misery. Sleep deprivation and worries about the fragile health of their new baby bring the emotions of a young couple to the breaking point. Juliet Porter wrote and directed this emotional and brutally honest film. Principal cast: Scott Johnson and Jane Allsop.

Tougher Yet
Marcus has a secret. Sarah has a secret. Neither has the nerve to tell each other. What appears to be a rough patch in their relationship builds to something much more complicated and life changing. Their silence leads to a misunderstanding that threatens to tear them apart. Written and directed by Felice Goetze. Principal cast: Karoline Schuch and Matthias Walter.

You Can’t Be Too Strong 5 August,2015ImageMakers

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