Innocence Lost

This episode includes:

Crossing Salween by Brian O’Malley
Fences by Tim Dean

Crossing Salween
Along the Thailand border in Eastern Burma, nine-year-old Ko Reh finds herself orphaned after the massacre of her village and family by the military junta. She must now make the arduous journey with the help of a mysterious stranger to the Salween River that separates the horrors of Burma from the safety of Thailand. Will her late father’s enduring love and promise of assistance from a forest spirit be enough to shepherd her across the river where so many others have fallen? Written and directed by Brian O’Malley and based on a short story by Gary Moore. Principal cast: Ronnachai Wijitto, Thanawut Kedsaro, and Danai Thiengtham. The little girl (Ronnachai) is a refugee. What is also amazing is the she had never acted before and beat out many trained actors for the role.
– To learn more about the film, go to
– Visit the film’s Facebook page at
– See the film’s IMDb entry at

Eight-year-old Lucas’ father is a forensic crime scene detective. He argues with his ex-wife to look after Lucas while called to a crime scene, but she’s too busy. Forced to take the boy, will Lucas stay put in the car or will he discover what his daddy does for a living? Directed by Tim Dean. Principal cast: Trent Heath, Brett Swain, Nicole Nabout, and Victoria Eagger.
– To learn more about the film, go to and
– See the film’s IMDb entry at
– Watch Fences again:

Innocence Lost 20 August,2015ImageMakers

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