End of the World As We Know It

This episode includes:

Abiogenesis by Richard Mans
Armadingen by Philipp Kassbohrer

New Zealand
In this ingenious science fiction short animation, a mysterious mechanical device lands on a desolate world and uses the planet to undergo a startling transformation that has profound implications for an entire galaxy. Directed by Richard Mans.
-To learn more about the film go to abiogenesisfilm.com.
– To watch an interview with the filmmaker visit youtube.com.
-To read an interview with the filmmaker go to liberty3d.com.
– Visit the film’s Facebook page at facebook.com.
– See the film’s IMDb entry at imdb.com.

Walter lives with his wife Helga on an isolated farm in northern Germany. The marriage has grown cold over the years, their love having been long since replaced by routine. One late summer morning, Walter hears on his tractor radio news of an enormous asteroid hurtling towards the earth. All attempts to prevent impact are futile. Mankind will be annihilated in sixteen hours. Suddenly facing his own mortality, Walter finds himself contemplating the love for his wife he had all but forgotten. He decides to hide the news of the end of the world from her. Tormented by his dishonesty, Walter struggles to restore his marriage by giving Helga the best possible last day on earth. Written and directed by Philipp Kassbohrer. Principal cast: Gernot Hertel and Karin Graf.
– Watch the trailer, below.
– To learn more about the film go to armadingen.dem.
– To get a behind the scenes look at how they did the special effects (it’s in German, but still cool to watch) go to vimeo.com.
– Visit the film’s Facebook page at facebook.com.
– See the film’s IMDb entry at imdb.com.

Watch the trailer for Armadingen:


End of the World As We Know It 20 August,2015ImageMakers

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