Biting the Hand that Feeds

This episode includes:

Match Head by Ian Barnes
Shoplifting by Neil Triffett

Match Head
Ten-year-old Meg has burnt down the foster care home that she lived in. As part of her punishment she is ordered to attend counseling sessions in the hope that these will cure her addiction to fire. When ex-arsonist George turns up to show Meg the dire consequences of his obsession, sparks start to fly and the counselor realizes maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. A very dark comedy directed and produced by Ian Barnes. Principal cast: Eve Barnes (the filmmaker’s daughter), Steven Elder and Zahra Browne.
– See the film’s IMDb entry at

Pete is teaching his youngest son the art of shoplifting. However, as the song goes, “the times they are a-changing.” His eldest son takes up internet fraud instead and with the new security panels being introduced in department stores for the first time, Pete suddenly has to fight to keep control of his family, his career and his life. A twisted tale written and directed by Neil Triffett. Principal cast: Gary Samolin, Ivan Bradara and Nathan O-Rourke.
– Watch the trailer, below.
– Visit the film’s Facebook page at
– See the film’s IMDb entry at

Watch the trailer for Shoplifting:

Biting the Hand that Feeds 20 August,2015ImageMakers

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