
Soda Bread
When you’re pressed for time, soda bread is the prefect solution, since this Irish classic requires only a few minutes of work.

Long Proofed Baguette
The long rising time in this recipe gives the baguettes a better texture and a more pronounced flavor.

Gros Pain
Gros pain, or “big bread,” was the regular daily home bread of every French family when I was a kid. It is a bit coarser in texture than a baguette and less expensive, and it keeps longer.

Brioches are buttery, moist, light breads made with a yeast dough. The perfect accompaniment to a café au lait in the morning, brioche can be made as a large loaf or small individual ones.

Tomatoes Maison
My mother used to make dishes like this when she had a little stale bread on hand and some leftover meat from a roast or stew.