Recently the TIU crew headed up to Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest to spend a day with firefighters training in California Fire’s air program. The focus of their story was helicopter Pilot Tom Humman, who’s previous job was flying Marine 1 for President George W. Bush.
Cameraman, Steve Kern and Production Assistant, Joey Munoz set-up three cameras inside the Super Huey Helicopter to cover all the action. Then 8 of the state’s most elite firefighters jumped aboard and Humman took off into the gray, fall sky.
Producer, John Gregg, a former paratrooper, was content to watch from the ground and snap this pictures as Humman dropped water, collected from a nearby river, on targets in the forest.
Be sure to watch This is us Wednesday, January 25 at 7pm and learn about Tom Humman’s fascinating career as the President’s pilot.