Sustaining MembershipSustaining Membership

Sustaining Members provide KQED with a dependable base of revenue used to sustain the programs, reporting, and exceptional journalism that you depend on. As a monthly sustainer your contribution is ongoing, and is always active until you say otherwise giving you complete control. Sustainers receive exclusive perks and benefits not available to other members. Sustainers do not receive renewal notices in the mail which means that even more resources are saved and go right back into the programming. Most importantly, sustainers have the satisfaction of knowing they are always actively doing their part to keep KQED thriving.

Sustaining Member Benefits

As a KQED Sustainer did you know that YOU….

  • Are automatically entered into all on-air drawings
  • Receive complimentary access to Pledge Free Stream and PBS Passport
  • Receive exclusive “preview” access to new upcoming KQED content before anyone else
  • Receive early advance purchase access to KQED events
  • Receive free admission to cultural venues around town like: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, de Young Museum, Bay Area Discovery Museum, San Francisco Botanical Gardens, and Asian Art Museum on KQED Member Days.
  • Receive the digital and printed monthly On KQED Member Magazine
  • Receive regular discounts to cultural events in the Bay Area
  • Receive a token of appreciation every year. Contact Us to request a thank you gift.