If you had one hour, one table and a rapt audience, what would you demo at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art?
On Thursday & Friday, May 30 and 31st, The Making Of… goes live at SFMOMA.
In the final days before their three-year expansion and renovation project, SFMOMA is planning a museum-wide extravaganza of activities and events open free to the public May 30 – June 2, 2013.
KQED’s Making Of… is one of the centerpieces of this celebration bringing makers from throughout the Bay Area to the museum to demonstrate and present what they make and why.
From hotrods to kimchi, violins to submerged turntables, The Making Of… will feature makers discovered and heard on KQED’s Making Of… series throughout the museum demonstrating in the Atrium, galleries, lobbies, landings, sculpture garden and Learning Lounge.
Send us a video about what you make and how you would demonstrate your work for an hour. Or call The Making Of… hotline (415)553-3362.
UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the great submissions. View a list of participants here.
8 thoughts on “Makers Wanted at SFMOMA”
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I’m sold on the concept of “TechShop”! I’ve been trying to figure out how to get sponsorship to set up something similar (albeit, on a smaller scale) for my own projects but if we can get something like this over here in mid-Florida (Orlando area) then my only problem will be getting the money to (effectively) take up residence in the shop. I live to create, design, make and fix things!
I work for an hour every day is jual obat keputihan di denpasar and even then sometimes more than one hour.
I like this post because it is useful for the obat keputihan gatal berbau and the music is not too bad.
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I hope someday jual crystal x jakarta and obat gatal pada selangkangan can visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
it looks like the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art a great place to visit jual crystal x di bogor when in San Francisco.
nice article about Makers Wanted at SFMOMA makes jual obat gatal di kemaluan wanita and jual parfum choirose would understand SFMOMA.
interesting article about SFMOMA is useful for jual parfum cinta .