Solano County: City of Dixon Races

Dixon Races


What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Steven C. Bird

  • Dixon Mayor/retired captain
  • Collaboration: “I have earned a reputation for being quick to listen, careful to speak and calm with my responses to those served.”
  • Unity: “Unity, now more than ever, is what’s needed in Dixon to build a stronger, safer and healthier community for all.”
  • Priorities: “As your mayor, I will continue to draw on my professional management experience. This will ensure balanced budgets, transparency, high-quality public services and controlled growth, keeping Dixon prosperous and vibrant with opportunities for all.”

James P. Ward Jr.

  • Retired police officer
  • Infrastructure: “I share my 25-year love for Dixon and wish to make strategic investments in our public safety, roads, resiliency and in working to make City Hall a center for high-quality services.”
  • Community: “Together we can put Dixon on a path to becoming the best-run city in Solano County.”
  • Housing: “Under a Ward leadership, Dixon would need to address systemic challenges like affordable housing and water sustainability with data-driven solutions.”

City Council, District 3

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Kevin M. Johnson

  • Dixon City Council Member, District 3
  • Community: “I believe that, as a community, we can capitalize on our position within the I-80 corridor, and together foster and promote the live/work/play lifestyle that our diverse family demographic seeks.”
  • Development: “With new home subdivisions and other improvements underway, we need to leverage a cohesive, transparent, and trusted City Council that will continue to attract vibrant businesses to our city.”
  • Collaboration: “As your District 3 representative, I will continue to work with fellow Council members, to uphold the responsibility of fulfilling this obligation for our community.”

City Council, District 4

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Don Hendershot

  • Dixon City Council Member, District 4
  • Collaboration: “I believe that Dixon’s future relies on the teamwork of its citizens, staff and City Council.”
  • Transparency: “Listening, transparency, respect, honesty, and the willingness to work together are needed to solve past and present issues.”
  • Infrastructure: “We need to continue to improve Dixon’s infrastructure, such as the Parkway overcrossing to ensure Fire Station 2 is built for the safety of our citizens.”


What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Simon A. LeBleu

  • Attorney/business owner
  • No statement

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