Sonoma County: City of Healdsburg Races

Healdsburg Races

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City Council

City Council

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Candidate Statements

Linda Cade

  • Retired financial advisor
  • Housing: “I believe in free-market housing, charity, and disallowing vagrancy.”
  • Climate Change: “I will vote no on funding future climate mobilization strategies because I believe the climate crisis is driven by global elites.”
  • Health: “I also oppose transitioning to Central Banking Digital Currency, and will never agree to mandated health procedures.”

David Hagele

  • Healdsburg City Council Member
  • Priorities: “I’m running for City Council to continue providing experienced leadership on the most pressing issues facing Healdsburg today: expanding affordable and middle-class housing options; supporting Healdsburg businesses and working families; protecting our environment and water resources; and preserving our small-town character by serving as a voice for all who call Healdsburg home.”
  • Housing: “As mayor, I’ve also led efforts to acquire affordable housing to preserve this asset for our most vulnerable neighbors.”
  • Collaboration: “I know what it takes to collaborate and move Healdsburg forward.”

Ariel Kelley

  • Healdsburg City Council Member/parent
  • Education: “I co-founded Corazón Healdsburg, a local nonprofit focused on supporting families through cradle-to-career education programs.”
  • Fire Recovery: “In the wake of the fires, I created the Healdsburg Free Store, which provided free clothing and household supplies for thousands in need.”
  • Infrastructure: “I will keep using my experience to find solutions to our city’s toughest challenges — investing in infrastructure, creating affordable housing, and preserving parks and open space.”

Ron Edwards

  • Healdsburg City Council Member
  • Engagement: “Over the past two years, I have actively engaged with residents, listened to their feedback, and participated in every City Council meeting.”
  • Budget: “My focus will be to continue my work to lessen tourism industry impacts while ensuring the Council supports our residents and City finances.”
  • Tax: “I’m a strong advocate for using Transit Occupancy Tax dollars to support senior programs and community services.”

Heather Hannan-Kramer

  • Business executive/parent
  • Teamwork: “As a collegiate athlete, I learned the value of teamwork, the importance of perseverance, and the lifelong gift of sportsmanship.”
  • Housing: “Now translated into practical tools for long-term solutions tackling rising housing costs, climate crisis mobilization, and protecting the financial integrity of our working families.”
  • Collaboration: “I’m passionate about bringing a fresh perspective and collaborative leadership to our community.”

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Sonoma County: City of Healdsburg Races 6 September,2024klow

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