Sonoma County: City of Cloverdale Races

Cloverdale Races

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City Council

City Council

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Candidate Statements

Trevor J. Ambrosini

  • Local business owner
  • No statement

Todd Lands

  • Cloverdale City Council Member
  • Safety: “I’ve had the good fortune of successfully working with the community and staff to make progress on critical issues such as homelessness, public safety, infrastructure, and parks and open spaces.”
  • Problem Solving: “For the last three years, my colleagues on the City Council have appointed me as mayor because of their faith in my ability to deliver results.”
  • Environment: “We’re at a crossroads where issues such as water security, economic stability, fire resilience, and environmental integrity hang in the balance. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and keep working for my community.”

Andrés Marquez

  • Business owner/contractor
  • No statement

Hannah Gart

  • Entrepreneur/event facilitator
  • No statement

Mark P. Laskey

  • Senior project manager
  • Experience: “My career spans over 40 years, encompassing a diverse range of experiences that have equipped me with a comprehensive skill set.”
  • Preservation: “It is crucial to balance progress with preservation, ensuring that development is aligned with our community’s values and needs.”
  • Growth: “I am dedicated to advocating for slow, sustainable growth that maintains the unique character of Cloverdale while addressing the practical needs of our residents.”

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Sonoma County: City of Cloverdale Races 6 September,2024klow

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