Marin County: Town of Corte Madera Races

Corte Madera Town Offices

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Town Council

Town Council

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Candidate Statements

James H. Andrews

  • CFO & director of finance, registered investment advisor
  • Budget: “While on Corte Madera Town Council and Ad Hoc Finance Committee, we reorganized Town finances for long-term sustainability …”
  • Fire Prevention: “While on Council (2015–2020), I sponsored the Neighborhood Chipper Program to help residents clear brush around their homes.”
  • Spending Priorities: “If elected to Council, I will work to maintain and strengthen the Town’s financial discipline and to use the resources to improve the health, safety, and livability of our community.”

Charlie Kirschner

  • Startup business consultant 
  • Community: “I’m running for election to better serve my community … I’d be honored to serve this community and bring a unique perspective to the Town Council.”
  • Experience: “My professional experience includes nonprofit leadership (20 years), community organizing (15 years), early-stage companies (10 years), and real estate development (5 years).”
  • Collaboration: “We are fortunate to have talented professionals who serve, support, and protect this town. I’m committed to partnering with them and bringing together the diverse range of communities, businesses, and organizations …”

Fred Casissa

  • Corte Madera Town Council Member
  • Housing: “I collaborated with my peers to approve the Town’s housing element.”
  • Budget: “I plan to use my leadership skills to: ensure continued financial stability, including balanced budgets and forecasting; protect against climate change, including flooding and wildfire; and enhance and maintain infrastructure for our parks, roads, and fire stations.”
  • Growth: “My focus will include balancing mandated housing requirements with the character and charm of our town, adopting a Park Madera Shopping Center plan, and ensuring public safety remains a priority.”

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Marin County: Town of Corte Madera Races 6 September,2024klow

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