Marin County: City of Larkspur Races

Larkspur City Offices

City Council

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Scot Candell

  • Larkspur City Council Member
  • Transparency: “Larkspur is an incredible place to live, and my primary goal as a council member and currently as mayor has simply been to keep it incredible; to listen to all opinions and in the end do what is best for the city.”
  • Infrastructure: “Larkspur needs leadership that can steer us through upcoming projects including City Hall renovations, a new library and community center, aging sewers in need of repair, an undersupply of affordable housing that we must increase responsibly, balancing our budget, and unifying our citizens instead of causing unnecessary divisions.”
  • Equity: “Let’s continue to progress in a fair and equitable way that honors our past and embraces our future.”

Gabe Paulson

  • Larkspur City Council Member
  • Public Safety: “I am excited to take my experience and work on some of the biggest issues Larkspur faces: increasing affordable and locally suitable housing, reducing disaster risk and helping homeowners stay insured, addressing traffic congestion and safety, making Larkspur more age-friendly and reducing teen drug use.”
  • Housing: “I contributed to our transit-oriented housing plan, pushed for senior renter protections, helped keep our budget balanced, promoted public safety, supported small businesses during COVID and fought to reduce fentanyl drug use.”
  • Emergency Preparedness: “I served as Larkspur Mayor in 2023 and have represented our city for five years on wildfire prevention, flood, energy and transportation regional boards.”

City Council — Short Term

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Sarah Margulies

  • Mother/edtech executive
  • Priorities: “My priorities are to promote safety, public amenities and inclusivity.”
  • Budget: “My professional experience in strategic planning, operations and budgeting equip me well for the role.”
  • Collaboration: “I am recognized as a good listener and collaborator, working across stakeholders to find consensus and reach objectives. I am empathetic and commit to representing all Larkspur residents to do the work to make informed decisions that benefit and sustain our community.”

Lana Scott

  • Retired disability specialist
  • Collaboration: “As a certified disability management specialist, I worked with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and would like to use this experience on the Council to reach consensus in achieving a common goal.”
  • Housing: “I would like to see Larkspur provide much-needed affordable housing while maintaining its unique downtown historic district and engaging the public to create new waves of revenue.”
  • Infrastructure: “Having the library and community center reach completion is a major goal as it would greatly benefit children and an aging population.”

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Marin County: City of Larkspur Races 6 September,2024klow

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