Marin: Measure E

Ross, Measure E

Should the town of Ross reauthorize a parcel tax to maintain current levels of police and fire services in the town?

Measure E would reauthorize a parcel tax of $1,201.50 per dwelling unit for single family residences and $1,201.50 per parcel for all other uses from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2035, increasing annually for inflation. The tax would generate about $1 million every year, earmarked for police and fire services. Passes with a two-thirds vote.

Yes Argument

Ross voters have approved this tax since 1984. Without it, the town will be unable to fund police and fire services at their current levels, potentially forcing less than full coverage or even shifting police services to the county. Despite efforts by Ross to cut costs, like reducing retirement benefits and consolidating the fire department, this tax remains essential, as public safety represents 55% of Ross’ expenses.

No Argument

Opponents did not submit an argument with the county registrar of voters.

Key Supporters

In Support

  • Elizabeth Brekhus, mayor, Ross
  • Charles W. Kircher, Jr., mayor pro tempore, Ross  
  • P. Beach Kuhl, Town Council member, Ross
  • Julie McMillan, Town Council member, Ross
  • Elizabeth Robbins, Town Council member, Ross

In Opposition

  • N/A

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