Marin: Measure D

Larkspur, Measure D

Should the city of Larkspur adopt a rent stabilization ordinance? 

Measure D would cap annual rent increases at 5% plus inflation or 7%, whichever is lower. The Larkspur City Council passed the rent cap last year, but voters opposing the law gathered enough signatures to get this referendum on the ballot. Property owners subject to the ordinance would have to pay an annual fee to fund program costs. Properties built after 1995, single family homes, ADUs and condominiums are exempt. Passes with a majority vote.

Yes Argument

Rising rents are straining household budgets and displacing fixed-income seniors and essential workers. The ordinance will help keep renters housed while allowing landlords to keep up with inflation. State rent control measures are limited, so local rent control measures are a necessary stopgap while more housing is built. This ordinance was written after months of community workshops and public hearings with big and small landlords, renters and homeowners.

No Argument

The cost of housing is a real issue in Larkspur, but this is the wrong solution. It doesn’t address the underlying cause of high costs: the housing shortage. By creating a new bureaucracy at City Hall, it will cost taxpayers and reduce funding for other essential services. Much of Larkspur’s housing stock won’t be covered by Measure D since renters in single-family homes, condominiums and any apartments built after 1995 are generally exempted.

Key Supporters

In Support

  • Kevin Carroll, City Council member, Larkspur
  • Gabe Paulson, City Council member, Larkspur
  • Marin Democratic Party
  • Marin County Young Democrats

In Opposition

  • Bill Howard, former mayor, Larkspur
  • California Apartment Association

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Marin: Measure D 6 February,2024npiper

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