Sonoma County: City of Sebastopol Races

Sebastopol Races

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City Council

City Council

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Candidate Statements

Phillip Carter

  • Software developer
  • No statement

Stanton Kee Nethery III

  • Business owner/parent
  • Libraries: “Our library provides helpful social services and is a meeting place for all sorts of special interests.”
  • Budget: “Sebastopol is a great town and I want to make sure it does not go bankrupt. We cannot spend money that we do not have.”
  • Essential Services: “I want to work within a budget to keep core services available to all that live here so that Sebastopol remains a special place.”

Neysa Hinton

  • Sebastopol City Council Member/health care executive director
  • Community: “I am running for a third term because our city needs capable, common-sense leadership to continue building a thriving, healthy Sebastopol.”
  • Housing: “I support more affordable housing; the need is vital.”
  • Resiliency: “In the face of budget shortfalls and daunting challenges, our community has demonstrated its commitment to our core values and finding a way forward with common sense solutions.”

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Sonoma County: City of Sebastopol Races 6 September,2024klow

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