Sonoma County: City of Cotati Races

Cotati Races

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City Council

City Council

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Candidate Statements

George Barich

  • Licensed contractor
  • Merge: “City Hall needs to be investigated by the FBI and Sonoma County Grand Jury before Cotati is forced to merge with Rohnert Park.”
  • Budget: “Our little government is flat broke and has not saved one dollar for a rainy day.” 
  • Transparency: “I will lead with common sense, intellectual honesty, and answer every phone call and email quickly.”

Susan Harvey

  • Cotati City Council Member
  • Infrastructure: “I have worked to ensure reasonably priced reliable water sources, environmentally responsible waste solutions, updated water and sewer infrastructure. In addition, I have championed efforts to improve our roads and parks.”
  • Budget: “I continue to ensure we have balanced budgets and a solid reserve for those unexpected events.”
  • Economic Growth: “With your support, I’ll continue working hard to protect our character while addressing affordable housing, engage our community, remain fiscally responsible and bring the right economic development to Cotati.”

Benjamin Ford

  • Mathematics professor
  • Accomplishments: “Fifteen-plus years of balanced budgets, a new model for residents to communicate and collaborate with police, widespread street improvements, and significant effort and investment to bolster housing development (affordable and market-rate) all point to the Council’s commitment to ensuring all residents feel well-served by the City.”
  • Potential: “I believe in Cotati and our potential to be leaders in the county as we work out approaches to local challenges.”
  • Collaboration: “I listen well and can find common ground among differing opinions.”

Laura Sparks

  • College astronomy instructor
  • Infrastructure: “This office comes with a steep learning curve. I have spent countless hours studying road maintenance, water and sewer systems, parks, City finances, and much more.”
  • Inclusivity: “In 2020, my top campaign priorities were affordable housing, climate and environment, and anti-racism.”
  • Language Accessibility: “I pushed to get Spanish bilingual preference and pay for police officers and dispatchers, and Spanish translation of City communications.”

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Sonoma County: City of Cotati Races 6 September,2024klow

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