Solano County: City of Vallejo Races

Vallejo Races


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Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Pippin Dew

  • Local businesswoman/parent
  • Budget: “COVID and its consequences forced a $12 million deficit and dramatically cut services. We continue to balance our budget through unfilled positions, unable to meet resident needs.”
  • Housing: “As the Solano Association of Realtors president, I secured grant funding for new homebuyers.”
  • Priorities: “We’ll establish a trusted public safety department that everyone is proud of, support youth opportunities from cradle to career, implement strategic economic growth, develop adequate housing supply, and address dangerously low staffing levels.”

Ravi C. Shankar

  • Retired business owner
  • Homelessness: “Vallejo’s shelterless need council’s unified compassion. Reducing illegal dumping, providing more affordable housing, selling unused city properties, reducing unfair tax on Mare Island homeowners/lawsuits, restoring funded Preserve Trust.”
  • Budget: “Empowering our Youth Commission and hiring local experts saves money, builds trust.”
  • Activism: “I have marched for justice, spoken at city council, written often in news media.”

Dwight L. Monroe

  • Local businessman/parent
  • Inclusivity: “As your mayor, I will continue to prioritize open communication, inclusivity, and active participation.”
  • Collaboration: “Your voice matters, and together, we can shape a future that reflects our shared values and aspirations.”
  • Priorities: “With your support, we can make Vallejo a model of safety, prosperity, and community.”

Andrea Sorce

  • Community college professor
  • Fiscal Responsibility: “I’m running for mayor to bring positive change to our community and fiscally responsible leadership to City Hall.”
  • Experience: “I am not a politician. I’m an educator and former Peace Corps volunteer who has devoted my career to serving vulnerable and underrepresented communities.”
  • Priorities: “As your mayor, I will keep you safe, rebuild community trust in Vallejo law enforcement, make Vallejo financially sustainable, and tackle our homelessness and housing affordability crises head-on.” 

City Council, District 1

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Carl A. Bonner

  • District attorney investigator
  • Quality of Life: “I am committed to improving quality of life issues that are currently plaguing our streets and neighborhoods.”
  • Growth: “I believe Vallejo is on the verge of an economic renaissance and needs new leaders who have a vision to guide the community into future economic prosperity.”
  • Priorities: “If elected to this office, I will work tirelessly to return Vallejo to its prior greatness as a safe and resilient city.”

Brenda Plechaty

  • Community volunteer
  • Experience: “Responsible for payroll, pay scales, job descriptions, vendor negotiations and, most importantly, worked to solve employee relations issues to reduce turnover.”
  • Youth: “A board member of the Lady Echelon Project that works with youth, teaching them etiquette and entrepreneurial skills.”
  • Collaboration: “My strengths of working with people to visualize the bigger picture and sharing data to bring a consensus are vital for Vallejo to move forward.”

Alexander Matias

  • Nonprofit vice president
  • Transparency: “Vallejo needs transparent and accountable leadership committed to renewal in our city and improvement in your quality of life.”
  • Environment: “I fight for a cleaner and healthier environment for all.
  • Priorities: “I stand for better public safety, transparent government, economic opportunity, and home affordability for people of all backgrounds and incomes.”

City Council, District 3

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Tonia Lediju

  • Housing authority executive
  • Housing: “Vallejo is at a crossroads. We must fight for more county dollars to address our biggest issues: crime, rising housing costs, and homelessness.”
  • Budget: “I have a proven track record of spending those dollars effectively and can ensure that Vallejo becomes an example of how to govern responsibly while providing even better public services.”
  • Priorities: “My focus will be making sure every District 3 resident is safe, housed, and part of a vibrant economy.”

City Council, District 6

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Cristina Arriola

  • Vallejo City Council Member, District 6
  • Collaboration: “During my time on council, I have consistently hosted town halls to ensure that residents have a platform to voice their concerns and ideas.”
  • Budget: “As promised, I’ve stood up against special interests and voted consistently against reckless spending.”
  • Priorities: “In my next term, I plan to fully utilize my experience to further address the severe shortage of affordable housing, implement out-of-the-box solutions to improve public safety (including continued engagement with authorities to get CHP to begin patrolling Sonoma Boulevard), and ensure that our youth have access to clean, safe parks.”

Helen-Marie “Cookie” Gordon

  • Community volunteer
  • Equity: “I am running for City Council to bring creative and fresh solutions for equity needed for District 6.”
  • Public Safety: “I prioritize working with our public offices to eliminate property crime, and strengthen our city safety, resources and opportunities that are needed to reach an equal outcome.”
  • Collaboration: “I believe that enhancing communication between neighbors and public officials is an important means for a successful future while building access for businesses for District 6.”

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Solano County: City of Vallejo Races 6 September,2024klow

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