Solano County: City of Rio Vista Races

Rio Vista Races

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Mayor | City Council


What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

John Lompa

  • Business owner
  • Growth: “Rio Vista’s potential is limitless but needs to be explored carefully to preserve her small-town charm as new developments are being considered.”
  • Budget: “I’m passionate to get city spending under control and improve it to benefit everyone.”
  • Youth: “The youth are very underserved in Rio Vista; I’m committed to changing that, a true youth center is much-needed.”

Edwin A. Okamura

  • Business owner
  • Economic Development: “I … currently hold numerous Solano County appointments, encompassing transportation, environment, homelessness and economic development.”
  • Community: “I have a deep understanding of our community’s values and needs.”
  • Growth: “As mayor, I will always advocate for orderly growth, enhanced economic development and maintaining our brand as a quaint river town.”

City Council

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Sarah Donnelly

  • Small business owner
  • Experience: “I’m active in our community, having served on the board of River Delta Unified School District for two terms, several of those years as president.”
  • Public Safety: “Protect public safety and support Rio Vista Police and Fire.”
  • Priorities: “Facilitate economic development, recognizing our waterfront as a great asset. Promote opportunities for our youth. Honor the intrinsic value of our small town and preserve its unique appeal.”

Walt Stanish

  • Small business owner
  • Infrastructure: “We still have unfinished city projects (Bridge to Beach, Army Base, Community Center, recreational opportunities) that I would like to help complete.”
  • Businesses: “I support hiring an Economic Development Director to revitalize our business community.”
  • Collaboration: “I believe in listening openly and respectfully, eliminating personal agendas, and representing ALL of the people.”

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Solano County: City of Rio Vista Races 6 September,2024klow

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