Santa Clara County: County Races

Santa Clara County Races

Race to Watch

Board of Supervisors, District 2

Why does this race matter?

District 2 is entirely within San José, making this Board of Supervisors seat critical for representing the city’s downtown and East San José residents. The winner will succeed Supervisor Cindy Chavez, a prominent labor advocate who is termed out.

What does a county supervisor do?

Supervisors govern county programs and departments, and they approve the county budget. Their largest area of spending is traditionally health care and human services. Supervisors are also responsible for local jails and elections, and they make decisions on law enforcement and housing in unincorporated areas of the county. The winner of this election will serve a four-year term.


Key Supporters

For Duong

  • Cindy Chavez, supervisor, Santa Clara County 
  • Dave Cortese, state senator 
  • Zoe Lofgren, U.S. representative
  • County Employees Management Association
  • South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council

For Nguyen

  • Arjun Batra, City Council member, San José
  • Pam Foley, City Council member, San José
  • Ron Gonzales, former mayor, San José
  • Ann Ravel, former commissioner, Federal Election Commission
  • Chuck Reed, former mayor, San José

Race to Watch

Board of Supervisors, District 5

Why does this race matter?

Longtime Supervisor Joe Simitian is termed out, opening up this seat on the board for the first time in 12 years. The winner will represent the suburban communities of Palo Alto, Mountain View, Cupertino, Saratoga and Los Gatos.

What does a county supervisor do?

Supervisors govern county programs and departments, and they approve the county budget. Their largest area of spending is traditionally health care and human services. Supervisors are also responsible for local jails and elections, and they make decisions on law enforcement and housing in unincorporated areas of the county. The winner of this election will serve a four-year term.


Key Supporters

For Abe-Koga

  • Josh Becker, state senator 
  • Anna Eshoo, U.S. representative
  • County Employees Management Association
  • South Bay Labor Council AFL-CIO

For Lieber

  • Mountain View Housing Justice Coalition
  • SEIU 521
  • SEIU-United Healthcare Workers
  • South Bay YIMBY

Tier 2 Race Name

What does (X) do?

Description paragraph lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt eget erat eu suscipit. Quisque eleifend turpis vel urna fermentum, vel ornare neque mollis. Praesent nulla enim, feugiat quis odio sed, consequat ullamcorper tellus. Vestibulum congue imperdiet metus, a tristique risus tincidunt ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.

Candidate Statements

Candidate 1

  • Position Title
  • Issue: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.” 
  • Issue: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit.”
  • Issue: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”

Candidate 2

  • Position Title
  • Issue: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.” 
  • Issue: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit.”
  • Issue: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.”

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Santa Clara County: County Races 6 September,2024klow

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