Marin County: Town of Tiburon Races

Tiburon Town Offices

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Town Council Member

Town Council Member

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Candidate Statements

Chuck Hornbrook

  • Company advisor/parent
  • Public Service: “Service to this community is a core value.”
  • Priorities: “Keeping momentum on these efforts and others including safety, transportation, recreation, town accountability, and community engagement …”
  • Community: “Running for Town Council and dedicating the time and engagement needed for this position are a natural progression of my commitment to Tiburon.”

Holli Thier

  • Tiburon Town Council Member
  • Experience: “I’ve spearheaded the acquisition of new open space, broadband, a new library, helped revitalize downtown, ensured a balanced budget, promoted diversity, supported more community events, and prevented toxic chemicals from being sprayed in our parks/playgrounds.”
  • Environmental Conservation: “Let’s preserve our magnificent open space and Tiburon’s unique character, reduce traffic, keep Tiburon fiscally sound, protect the environment, combat climate change, ensure good emergency preparedness and housing policies.”
  • Transparency: “I will always work in Tiburon’s best interests and be transparent in my decision-making.”

Isaac Nikfar

  • Tiburon Town Council Member
  • Parks and Recreation: “During COVID-19, I ensured our residents could use our Parks and Open Spaces, as they became critical to improve our quality of life.”
  • Experience: “Most recently, I worked to create the Tiburon Parks Master Plan, revitalize Greenwood Beach, ensure toxic chemicals are not sprayed in our parks and picnic areas, and supported the acquisition of more open space.”
  • Public Safety: “I’ve started the work I promised to preserve Tiburon’s open space and improve our parks, support improving safety, preserving Tiburon’s unique character, reducing traffic …”

Andrew Thompson

  • Businessman/mediator/parent 
  • Community: “My focus remains on building a strong community.”
  • Priorities: “I have the skills to address Tiburon’s current challenges: supporting new families, managing traffic, the state housing mandates, climate change and practicing smart fiscal management.”
  • Environmental Conservation: “I will … continue my work on parks and trails and review the town’s view ordinance to promote cooperation.”

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Marin County: Town of Tiburon Races 6 September,2024klow

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