Marin County: Town of San Anselmo Races

San Anselmo Town Offices

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Town Council

Town Council

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Candidate Statements

Eileen Burke

  • San Anselmo Town Council Member
  • Infrastructure: “I will continue to focus on the basics all residents care about: roads, parks, fire and flood preparedness, and the environment. And I’ll build on the things that make our town special — recreational facilities and community events.”
  • Recreation: “Recreation will continue to be a priority.”
  • Community Events: “I’ll continue to support Live on the Avenue, our amazing summer concert series that brings our community together, holiday events, and all types of recreational opportunities for all ages.”

Ford Greene

  • No designation
  • Transparency: “Respecting voters’ intelligence, I protected public feedback, efficiently running meetings as mayor evenhandedly, openly, with warmth and humor.”
  • Taxes: “Consistently independent, I uphold what is right; was the only council member who voted to protect Memorial Park from becoming an ineffective flood control basin and against an unnecessary $9 million park tax.”
  • Collaboration: “I want to go where the committed, involved citizens of San Anselmo want our town to go. I want to move per our citizens’ desires, not per an elected official’s agenda.”

Guy Meyer

  • Writer/talkshow host
  • Environment: “I am an ecology-minded citizen who led the community effort that removed the toxic herbicide ‘Roundup’ from use in our town’s parks and medians in 1993.”
  • Democracy: “Small-town democracy needs defending and participation. Decisions affecting families, business people and our quality of life are being made by our non-elected public servants and this needs to be checked.”
  • Transparency: “An open door at Town Hall should be the standard that all citizens take pride in.”

Chantel Walker

  • Small business owner 
  • Problem Solving: “I have a keen ability to listen and facilitate conversations that help problem-solve and guide action in challenging situations.”
  • Collaboration: “I have a track record of fostering collaboration to support community conversations across multiple perspectives on topics central to San Anselmo’s success.”
  • Budget: “I’ll contribute to our continued economic vibrance, fiscal stability, fire and flood protection, balanced housing policies, and excellent community services.”

Veda I. Florez

  • No designation or statement provided to election officials.

Kurt Johnson

  • Community resilience director 
  • Climate Change: “I am running for Town Council to strengthen our community’s climate resilience.”
  • Infrastructure: “As San Anselmo updates its General Plan, we have an opportunity to plan for addressing traffic and housing while protecting open space, reducing emissions and strengthening our resilience to climate impacts …”
  • Collaboration: “Working together as a community, we can chart a course that protects our quality of life for future generations.”

Yoav Schlesinger

  • Technology ethicist 
  • Priorities: “Key issues including: a safe and thriving setting for families; supporting local, small businesses; wildfire, flood and disaster preparedness; traffic abatement, along with pedestrian and bicycle safety; maintaining open space and investing in our parks; and forging a community where everyone feels heard and respected.”
  • Impact: “I believe that people and business can make the world a better place.”
  • Collaboration: “I look forward to partnering with you to achieve these goals and make our town an even better place to live, work, and grow.”

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