Election Results Solano: Measure A

Benicia, Measure A

Should the city of Benicia increase the transient occupancy tax at hotels and vacation rentals from 9% to 13%?

Measure A would raise the transient occupancy tax at Benicia hotels and vacation rentals, from 9% to 13%. The estimated $250,000 in additional annual revenue would be used to maintain essential city services, including 911 response times, police resources, local parks and libraries, and economic development programs. The measure would sunset in 12 years and be subject to annual audits and an independent citizens’ oversight committee. Passes with a majority vote. 

Yes Argument

Measure A would protect and maintain the services that matter most to Benicia residents without costing them a dime. The city is struggling with an ongoing structural budget deficit, and without this additional revenue, funding for crucial services could be cut. The measure also has strict accountability provisions to ensure that every cent is used as promised.

No Argument

Increasing the cost of hotels and vacation rentals would discourage tourism and hurt the local businesses that rely on it. While Measure A may seem like a quick fix to the city’s financial woes, it would have long-term negative impacts on the local economy. The City Council should consider alternative funding options that do not place undue burden on residents and businesses. 

Key Supporters

In Support

  • Mark Hughes, former City Council member, Benicia
  • Norma Morales, chair, Benicia Economic Development Board
  • Andre J. Stewart, insurance executive
  • Jamie Blomdal, former trustee, Benicia School Board 
  • Lindsay Wray, chair, Benicia’s Community Sustainability Commission

In Opposition

  • Michael Nolan, president, Solano County Taxpayers Association

More Solano County Results

Election Results Solano: Measure A 5 March,2024npiper

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