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Use the Farm, Cuke

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I'm a geek. I watch and write about Star Trek, I own and have cooked from The Star Trek Cookbook, my mathematician husband does an awesome impression of Captain Sisko and Captain Picard, and, although I look askance at what Lucas has done to his creation in recent years, I adore Star Wars.

I don't mind being a geek. Not at all. Were I not a geek, I couldn't appreciate when Alton Brown uses Star Trek sound effects on his show. And were I not a geek, I could not have laughed myself silly at this. I don't know what cracked me up the most -- the fact that Cuke has a Mark Hamill-esque wig or that Darth Tater urges him to search his "peelings" in order to discover that, while biologically impossible, Tater is Cuke's father. Meanwhile, the credits actually list someone as "Egg Wrangler." BWAH!

I find sheer genius in every ounce of this creation, and the fact that it is encouraging people to buy organic is just icing on the cake.

Bravo to Jonah Sachs, Tate Hausman, and Louis Fox -- you guys are awesome.


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